Friday, February 13, 2009

Last Day of the Season

My pointer - "Canyon"
Taking a picture of my dog on point is the hardest thing I've ever done during hunting season! It's hard, because I was risking not being ready when the birds flushed, but he's so good I shouldn't worry.

I'm sure I would've had more birds, but I needed to preserve some of Canyon's points before I sell him. This dog finds more coveys than any dog I've ever had. He could be better at finding singles after the covey busts, but he's still really young.

Here's a Mearns quail retrieved perfectly to hand (every dog should be force fetched!)

Another Awesome point (shot a double and took the picture!) Look how amazing the grass was this year.

Taking this picture was nerve racking, because Canyon had been on point for a long time! It took me over five minutes to get to him from the time I realized he was on point. Note the beeper collar, which lets me know when Canyon points.